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Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

Tag » , » [funny] have you seen "Blade" with Starring our Artist?

[funny] have you seen "Blade" with Starring our Artist?

when we see movies with titles identical blade main star ....

Wesley Snipes

 he has played as much as 3x Film Blade episode of Blade 1, Blade 2 and Blade Trinity will soon be replaced by the director position David S. Goyer. The reason the director did not because the market needs now is more likely not too enthusiastic about the movie-themed full action. It is seen from the Blade films have released so far, Blade with Wesley Snipes primary star has a serious character, stern, serious face, visibly, and without the slightest smile.Meanwhile, Blade will be released the latest, the leading character is more flexible, can be fierce, and also can relax. The aim is Blade fans can enjoy action movies, but not full-strain during the movie, but there was also a comedy interlude, which are elements of comedy can be run either by the main actor.

As a result, the director of browsing potential replacement actor for his newest film Blade.Apparently the director to find a suitable actor for film Blade, and it was in Indonesia. Criteria must be the director, the actor does have a face similar to the previous blade actor's face, but also has another advantage that is, a face that is more flexible in the sense could be seen as doing Action Garang, and also can be funny when he was doing Joke.

there according to the selected artist indo the director who is it??

 he indo artist who became the director of choice for new film ...

Please Welcome: Blade III
uncle Tukul look so cool isn't it?

just for your smile my Friend... ^_^

14 komentar:

  1. wkakakakakkaaka.. beruntung bener nasib tukul bsa main d film ky gtu.. hahahahahahahaah.. jdi pgen nton film nya klo tukul yg main.. wkwk

  2. hihihihi.....................
    hurai hurai,.,,,,
    aku punya komentator setia......
    makasih yah takuya.....

    itu mah om tukul udah punya bakat dari sejak lahir........
    ada kok di bioskop.. tpi keluarnya baru thun 2012...

  3. sma" oby ^^

    iih, lama bener mpe nunggu 2012 yah.. wkwkwkwkk..

  4. hihihii.........
    gak lama kok........
    kan bentar lagi........
    wih takuyaa.....
    selamat yah.
    blog kamu alexanya dah 5 juta an lhoooooooo
    good job

  5. ha? massaaa? mgkin gra" km sering komen ^^ makasih yaaaaaaaaaaa ^^

  6. wkwkwkwwkk,
    ini baru yang namanya artis sejati bro! muantep! pembuktian kalo lakon itu ga perlu gagah and macho, yang penting PD abizzz! XD

  7. @takuya.........
    waaah sama sama yah......
    kan berkat kamu juga blog gilak ini.. rank alexanya hampir di bawah satu juta... ^_^

  8. @mr. Maniax...
    wah wah wah.....
    blog gilak ini lagi lagi kedatangan om maniax...
    makasih yah om kunjungannya....
    itu sudah bakat lahir om tukul, Mr. Maniax...

  9. wow... Sesi Narseees lagi tuh mas Tukul... wwwkwwkwkwkkw.... isoooo ae arek iki!
    sik, tak zoom giginya, kali aja ada ilernya ndeler... wokwowkokwowowkwo....

  10. @mas beeken.
    wih ada mesbeken ternyato......
    awas lho mas... kalo kena gigit rabies lho.....
    *rabi yes?* XD

  11. wkwkkk.... kapan2 aja rabi, lom siap, lom kerja... hahaha...

    hmm... gak habis pikir, gimana ya kalo mas Tukul beneran liat foto ini? wkwwkkwkwk.........

  12. hihihih..........
    mas beken... yg pasti dia bangga donk...
    kan jarang jarang ada orang hebat seperti ini...........

    mas beken... nama aslinya sopo seh??

  13. By, kayaknya perlu dikirimkan ke facebooknya tukul TUH!! hha

  14. @mas eldo
    hebaaat sampe nyasaar ke postinganku di jaman baheulaaah

    hihihih sayang ku gak tahu alamat pesbuknya
    :( kak
    pingin sih sebenarnya


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